Capital Well is proud to announce it is now offering full service irrigation services across all of New Hampshire.
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Which Water Treatment System Is Right for Your Home?

water purification systems for homes with wells

People use a lot of water in their homes — in fact, a sufficient supply of well water to a home is generally five gallons each minute. When dealing with such a high volume of well water, you want to ensure you’re only using clean water. Fortunately, water filtration systems for wells can remove any […]

3 Questions to Ask Before Purchasing a Water Treatment System

well water company

If you live in one of the 15 million households that use private wells to supply drinking water, you should understand the importance of water testing and treatment. There can be a lot of dangerous contaminants in well water, including excess iron, lead, radon, and more. But with annual water testing and an effective water […]

How Often Should Well Water Be Tested?

Each day, every American uses about 88 gallons of water in their home. Using that much water, homeowners want to ensure their water is clean and safe. If your home runs on well water, you may find this to be a bit more difficult. Fortunately, water testing can help homeowners make sure their well water […]

What Exactly Do Water Filtration Systems Do?

There’s a lot of work that goes into making sure people have safe drinking water. In fact, there are about 60 surface water supplies in New Hampshire alone that are used to provide the state’s public water supply. While getting the water is the primary focus, next comes water filtration systems. Residents on well water […]

What Are the Dangers of Having Too Much Iron in Your Drinking Water?


Iron is one of the many minerals that are essential for human health. Without iron, people may experience anemia, fatigue, or an increase in infections. But how much iron is too much? Drinking water that contains iron can be beneficial to your health. However, excessive iron in drinking water may have negative effects. Let’s look […]

The Importance of Water Filtration Systems for Well Water

Each day, every American uses about 88 gallons of water in their home. When you use this much water, you should know what kind of harmful contaminants are present, shouldn’t you? Unfortunately, many people using well water don’t have the proper water filtration systems for wells in place. This can mean these homeowners are consuming […]

What to Know Before Buying a Home That Uses Well Water

What to Know Before Buying a Home That Uses Well Water When you’re looking to buy a house, you may find one that uses well water. This isn’t uncommon — in fact, about 36% of residents in New Hampshire receive their water from private wells and there are 4,700 new wells being drilled each year. […]

Why Do You Need To Have Your Well Water Tested?

Why Do You Need To Have Your Well Water Tested? Over 15 million households in the U.S. depend on private wells to supply their drinking water. Unfortunately, many of those homeowners underestimate the importance of water testing. Because homeowners are responsible for having their water testing done, many often neglect this important task. This article […]

Let us help you to get the best quality water in your home while making sure NH kids have food security when returning to school this year. To support Drinking Water Awareness Month, Capital Well will donate 10% off all water treatment to the Backpack Program through September!

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