What is a Reverse Osmosis Water Filter?

WHAT IS A REVERSE OSMOSIS (RO) FILTER? In researching the history of Reverse Osmosis, I found out that it was originally developed to separate seawater from salt. Then it became more prevalent when bottled water increased in popularity. Many companies adopted this technology to produce water free from contaminants. WHAT TYPES OF CONTAMINANTS DOES IT […]
More Chemicals in New Hampshire’s Water: Protect Yourself from PFAS

PFAS Chemicals in New Hampshire’s Water: Protect Yourself State of New Hampshire Proposed Changes to PFAS Drinking Water Standards If you live in NH Hampshire, you have probably heard about PFOAs or PFAS in the news. PFAS chemicals in New Hampshire’s water are dangerous to humans, animals and plants. They are in NH’s groundwater in […]
Arsenic Levels in New Hampshire’s Water: Big Changes Coming

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