Capital Well is proud to announce it is now offering full service irrigation services across all of New Hampshire.
Click here to book your winterization appointment or to learn more about our full suite of irrigation services!

More Chemicals in New Hampshire’s Water: Protect Yourself from PFAS

PFAS illustration

PFAS Chemicals in New Hampshire’s Water: Protect Yourself State of New Hampshire Proposed Changes to PFAS Drinking Water Standards If you live in NH Hampshire, you have probably heard about PFOAs or PFAS in the news. PFAS chemicals in New Hampshire’s water are dangerous to humans, animals and plants. They are in NH’s groundwater in […]

Arsenic Levels in New Hampshire’s Water: Big Changes Coming

arsenic_new hampshireArsenic Levels in New Hampshire’s Water: Big Changes Coming Arsenic is a naturally occurring contaminant and unfortunately, fairly common in New Hampshire’s groundwater.  It is not detectable, by smell, taste or sight. Studies have shown that there is a direct connection between arsenic and the increased incidence of certain cancers. There is a higher occurrence [...]

Trade that clunker water system in for a new one!

Need a New Water Filter System? TRADE THAT CLUNKER WATER SYSTEM IN! A new water filter system for your New Hampshire residence is not only an investment into your health, and the health of your family and pets, but it’s also an investment into the resale value of your home. And we give credit for […]

Let us help you to get the best quality water in your home while making sure NH kids have food security when returning to school this year. To support Drinking Water Awareness Month, Capital Well will donate 10% off all water treatment to the Backpack Program through September!

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