Capital Well is proud to announce it is now offering full service irrigation services across all of New Hampshire.
Click here to book your winterization appointment or to learn more about our full suite of irrigation services!

Wells of New Hampshire

COMMON WELLS (and well problems) FOUND IN NH:

04222014stonewell enews

STONE LINED DUG/SURFACE WELL: More susceptible to bacteria & other contaminants – Should be tested annually for bacteria, Nitrates & Nitrates. High potential for going dry in the dry season







042222014cementwellhead enews

CEMENT TILE / SURFACE WELL: More susceptible to bacteria & other contaminants – Should be tested annually for bacteria, Nitrates & Nitrates. High potential for going dry in the dry season





06082008artesianwell enews

DRILLED BEDROCK WELL / ARTESIAN: Sealed bedrock well has a drive show that is sealed into the rock eliminating surface contaminants from entering the well. Bacteria, Nitrates & Nitrites should be tested annually. More reliable, safe water supply, not prone to go dry in the dry season, due to water bearing fractures that produce somewhat steady flow of water year round.

Let us help you to get the best quality water in your home while making sure NH kids have food security when returning to school this year. To support Drinking Water Awareness Month, Capital Well will donate 10% off all water treatment to the Backpack Program through September!

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