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Water Assistance for Natural Disaster Impacts to Low-Income Residential Well Owners


Description of the Water Assistance for Natural Disasters Program for Low-Income Residential Well Owners
The Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust fund Commission approved funding of $500K to this program in February 2022.  The program is for low-income qualifying homeowners experiencing a loss of a safe, reliable source of drinking water at their primary residence. This program may provide short-term relief with the provision of bottled water and financial assistance for activities associated with improving or replacing the homeowner’s well or connecting the residence to a community water supply nearby. The program also includes water treatment (if deemed appropriate based on water quality results).

For more details about the program, please read the: Water Assistance for Natural Disasters Initiative (approved Feb. 14, 2022)

Income Eligibility Criteria
This program is to assist low-income New Hampshire residents with a primary residential water well impacted by a natural disaster. Compare your total household income to the income criterion which is based on  latest U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines and the average statewide Median Household Income (MHI). You can self-screen by viewing the Attachment A – MHI Worksheet. For questions regarding project eligibility please see application or contact:

Bottled Water Assistance
Bottled water assistance is intended to be a short-term measure to households during well mitigation. Bottled water assistance is available if requested. Note: Temporary bottled water assistance shall be discontinued when well impacts cease to exist, well remediation is complete, or the applicant is determined ineligible for the program.

Well Mitigation Assistance
Well mitigation assistance applications shall be submitted by the homeowner and a licensed NH Water Well Contractor/Pump Installer. The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (“NHDES”) will review the two part application to determine project eligibility and may request additional information as needed. Approval of the proposed well mitigation  is required before work begins, Funding is discretionary and subject to the availability of funds. Any residential well improvement project must first be granted official approval to successfully receive contractor payment or reimbursement.

Note: Well contractors/pump installers are extremely busy; if you have not already contracted a licensed NH Water Well Contractor/Pump Installer, scheduling an appointment for a well assessment now is strongly recommended. You can search for currently licensed water well and pump contractors in your area here: Licensed Well Contractors in NH

Current Conditions

Currently, areas of the State are affected by drought. We are accepting assistance applications for drought stricken drinking wells. More information on the current drought condition, helpful tips for homeowners and known water use restrictions can be found here: Drought Management Program

Application for Water Assistance for Natural Disaster Impacts to Low-Income Residential Well Owners
WAND Application August 2022 (pdf)
WAND Application August 2022 (Word format)

Vendor Codes
Reimbursements costs for approved projects will be paid directly to the contractor or homeowner. A State of NH vendor code will be required to receive payment. Obtain a vendor code here: Applying for a Vendor Code

General Assistance
Send inquiries to:

Let us help you to get the best quality water in your home while making sure NH kids have food security when returning to school this year. To support Drinking Water Awareness Month, Capital Well will donate 10% off all water treatment to the Backpack Program through September!

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