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Carcinogens in New Hampshire’s Water: More Common Than You Think

Is there PFOA in your drinking water? What is PFOA, anyway, and how does it and other carcinogens get into New Hampshire’s water systems?

PFOA is a type of polyfluorinated chemical (PFC) that was once used to make Teflon and Scotchguard coatings, as the chemical is non-stick, waterproof, and grease-proof. Even though PFOA is no longer produced in the United States due to its health hazards, small amounts of the chemical have been found in water systems all across the country. And new research shows that PFOA, even in small doses, can cause cancer, birth defects, and heart disease.

Recent testing in Merrimack and Litchfield showed levels of 17 to 820 parts per trillion after low levels of perfluorochemicals were found in tap water at a local plastics plant. An extensive, national water testing project mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency found that even the lowest level of PFOA detected was approximately five times higher than what is safe to drink.

How Can Capital Well’s Clean Water Center Help?

The purity of New Hampshire’s water and water systems is our primary concern. Whether your home is on a private well or receives its water from a municipal system, an annual water test can detect PFCs, as well as other contaminants such as iron, arsenic, radon, and chlorine. In the case of contamination, Capital Well has a host of water treatment solutions for you to ensure the water your family enjoys every day is as pure as possible.

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