What is a Reverse Osmosis Water Filter?

WHAT IS A REVERSE OSMOSIS (RO) FILTER? In researching the history of Reverse Osmosis, I found out that it was originally developed to separate seawater from salt. Then it became more prevalent when bottled water increased in popularity. Many companies adopted this technology to produce water free from contaminants. WHAT TYPES OF CONTAMINANTS DOES IT […]
How Much Chlorine Are You Really Drinking?

“I don’t need water filtration or testing because I’m on a town or public water supply system.” How many times have we heard this? It’s difficult to explain why public water could be bad for your health, but drinking chlorinated water has certain health risks. Chlorine is added to public water systems to prevent the […]
LEAVE NO TRACE: The Problem with Plastic Bottles

Picking up a bottle of water may be convenient, but we all know there are many reasons they are harmful. What are some of the environmental impacts? Some of these you may not have even realize. TOP 4 REASONS TO DUMP BOTTLED WATER PLASTIC BOTTLES ARE NOT BIODEGRADABLE – The bottles are not broken down […]